
Good Blood

Hard feelings between people is often referred to as 'bad blood'. Did you know that there is good blood?

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The New Testament Passover

How should we refer to the ceremony of the bread and wine? Is it proper to call it the Eucharist, Communion or the Lord's Supper? The only name the Bible uses is simple: Passover.

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What Can We Learn From Cornelius?

Cornelius stands as a wonderful example and forms a vital part of the New Testament Church. His story is one of dedication, prejudice and faith. What might we learn from what is recorded of him in the Bible?

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Words, either of Joy or of Sorrow

Our words can lead to either joy or sorrow, what will we choose? It matter because God states they all matter. So we need to focus on speed that leads to an ultimately good outcome.

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For Our Good

God's Instructions for living are not just arbitrary rules, they are meant to benefit human lives. Blessings and cursings, deceitfulness of sin, these help us see how even unpopular laws are still very much for our good.

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Three Questions About Matthew 24:12

Matthew 24:12 provides a warning of love growing cold. Considering the purpose for mankind: Is there anyone I do not love? Anyone I do not value? Is there anyone I despise?

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Two Wrongs… Lessons From Micah

During the time of the judges in Israel, the story of Micah is recorded to help us learn important spiritual lessons. Two wrongs...lead to two or three more! And, the road to you-know-where is paved with good intentions.

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Ambassadors of God’s Culture

As ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, are we there yet to represent this role? Do we exemplify the culture of God's Kingdom? What is the culture of God's people? Do we understand the customs, arts, beliefs of this group of people who represent God's family?

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Doctrine Matters

Is doctrine important? In 1 Timothy 4:13 we are told to give attention to reading, encouragement and doctrine. In 2 Timothy 3:16, we are told that doctrine comes through inspiration of God and the written word of God.

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Mercy Before Sacrifice

There are many lessons we should apply to our lives when we see the mercy God has shown to others. As God extends mercy, He expects us to forsake and run away from our sins

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