Symbols of the Days of Unleavened Bread
– March 26, 2022
The symbols surrounding the Days of Unleavened Bread
Good Things Come in Small Packages
– March 19, 2022
Good things come in small packages
Spiritual Vision
– March 12, 2022
Spiritual Vision
Am I a Responsible Christian?
– March 5, 2022
Being responsible can be defined as choosing to do what I know I should do because it is the right thing to do. This message explores what it means to be a responsible Christian.
Meekness not Weakness
– March 5, 2022
One of the fruits of the spirit is rightly translated meekness. More than just gentle, meekness is a fruit of power, bearing injuries with patience, not retaliating, putting vindication in God's hands, relying on God to fight injustice. Meekness creates peace.
Fear Not!
– February 26, 2022
Christians do not need to live their lives in fear. Here are some practical ways to live without fear.
Good Blood
– February 19, 2022
Hard feelings between people is often referred to as 'bad blood'. Did you know that there is good blood?
The New Testament Passover
– February 12, 2022
How should we refer to the ceremony of the bread and wine? Is it proper to call it the Eucharist, Communion or the Lord's Supper? The only name the Bible uses is simple: Passover.
What Can We Learn From Cornelius?
– January 29, 2022
Cornelius stands as a wonderful example and forms a vital part of the New Testament Church. His story is one of dedication, prejudice and faith. What might we learn from what is recorded of him in the Bible?
Words, either of Joy or of Sorrow
– January 22, 2022
Our words can lead to either joy or sorrow, what will we choose? It matter because God states they all matter. So we need to focus on speed that leads to an ultimately good outcome.