– September 17, 2022
Part of our preparation for the Holy Days is to examine the level of reverence we have for God and HIs plan of Salvation. Reverence is needed for religion to continue. We are to grow in reverence and practical ways of growing in reverence are explored
Holy Day Scenarios - Give an Answer
– September 10, 2022
When questions or conflict comes p regarding your observance of the Holy Days, how will you answer?
Courage to Give Up Riches
– August 27, 2022
We don't just have to fight greed, we have to fight fear of not having enough. This can lead us to hoard and possibly even leave God's way. To have courage to give up riches, we have to trust God and his shield to put out this tricky...
The Parable of the Minas
– August 20, 2022
The parables that Jesus taught carry rich instruction for us? What was the purpose of Christ telling he parable of the minas?
Lessons from Children in the Bible
– August 6, 2022
We are proud of our children growing up in the faith. What can we learn from the children recorded in the Bible?
Resurrection of Christ
– July 30, 2022
It may be the most important event in human history! The resurrection of Jesus Christ to eternal life is vital for us to understand.
Our Christian Hope
– July 23, 2022
At times in our lives hope can seem lost. Here we explore our greatest hope: what is needed to have hope, how to strengthen our hope, as well as the positive effects of hope.
Lessons from the Life of Abel
– July 16, 2022
Abel is only mentioned in a few short verses in the Bible, yet his life records important lessons for us today.
Spiritual Chess
– July 9, 2022
The way chess is played can be an analogy for how God interacts with mankind. We compare 3 elements of chess, seeing many steps ahead, always being covered, and sacrifice being needed, to get a glimpse into God's deep layered plan for each of us.
Lessons from Blind Bartimaeus
– June 25, 2022
While the story of blind Bartimaeus is a historical fact, what allegorical lessons are there for us today?