
Vengeance is Mine…

If vengeance feels so good, why is it wrong for us to give people what we think they deserve? Let's see what the scripture says about vengeance.

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Have You Lost Your First Love?

Jesus Christ admonishes the church about leaving our 'first love.' Have we lost our first love? What are the components of first love?

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Lessons from the Fool

What can we learn from the man named "Fool?"

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Lessons from the Life of Stephen

Stephen was a great leader in the early church and yet, was brutally murdered. What lessons might we gain from this great Christian's life?

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When the Earth Quakes

Earthquakes are unexpected and can cause catastrophic and long lasting damage. Some of our most severe trials can be likened to an earthquake where it feels like the earth is quaking. This sermon considers what to do when we go through severe trials.

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Being Comforters

When others go through difficult trials and troubles and are in need of comfort, what concrete things can we do to help bring them comfort?

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Fathoming the Unfathomable

When unfathomable things occur, what grounds the people of God and gives them stability and hope?

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Training to Teach

What qualities will be required of us as we begin to teach the nations once the Millennium begins?

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Repairer of the Breach

On Atonement, Jesus is the Repairer of the Breach, the breach that Satan caused between God and Man. Jesus has become our Atonement high priest and will destroy the "works" of Satan.

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A Day of Opposites

On this Day of Atonement we contrast the very sad reality of today with what the future truly holds.

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