Parables of the Kingdom
– August 21, 2021
The best stories are the ones that teach something. Jesus Christ spoke in parables and in this message we read through and understand different parables about the Kingdom of God. These parables will show different powerful aspects of the Kingdom and show that wonderful future we have to look forward...
Split-Sermon: Are We to Judge?
– August 14, 2021
Many in the world today believe that no one has the right to judge them. Do we judge others that we encounter on a daily basis? Is that our right? There are some who will use scripture to say that no one has the right to judge another person. The...
Split Sermon: Building and Increasing in Faith
– August 14, 2021
How strong is our faith and are we building our faith like a muscle? There aren't any shortcuts to developing faith, it takes time and diligence. There are various exercises that we can perform to increase our muscle strength and size. The disciples had some faith as they began...
Overcoming Sin
– July 24, 2021
All Christians deal with sin. Some of those sins really stick with and nag us in our everyday lives. Working to overcome these sins is part of our maturing process and part of our roadmap to perfection but it will take work, we can't give up.
Ready or Not, Here I Come
– July 17, 2021
We as the church are called the bride of Christ. We are to make ourselves ready for when Jesus Christ returns.
Split Sermon: The Second Commandment
– July 12, 2021
God tells us to not have any other gods before Him and that He is a jealous God. God cares and looks out for us and wants us to not put anything else before Him.
Split Sermon: Witnesses of Hope and Love
– July 12, 2021
What does it mean to be a witness? What does the world witness of us? There are 2 key areas that we are to show as witnesses of God; hope and love.