
The Enemy is Conquered

This Day pictures the day when the Ultimate Enemy of all Mankind will be completely and totally conquered and imprisoned for a thousand years.

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The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

A look at what Matthew 5:5 means for us now. We are to live our lives with meekness now and will rule with meekness during the millennium along side Christ.

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Prophecy Part 4:The Day of the Lord

The prophecies covering the final year of the age of Man’s rule as God intervenes and establishes the reign of Jesus Christ: The Beginning of Eternity.

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Part 3: Beasts, Tribulation and Hope

This sermon explains the symbols of the beasts and horns, a description of the Great Tribulation, and a final message of hope to the world.”

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Prophecy Part 2: Before the Tribulation

A review of what will be happening in the US and western nations in the final years just prior to the Great Tribulation”.

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The Message to the Churches and the Horsemen

This sermon begins a 4-part series on Bible Prophecy as we focus on the messages to the Churches and the meaning of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

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Run the Race like Joshua

Looking at five events in the life of Joshua, tying them to the five subpoints of the 2024 camp theme of Run the Race, we'll look at how we can run our own spiritual race too.

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What Will it Be Like to Be God

What can we learn from how God interacted with humans in the past about how we, as God, will interact with humans in the Millennium?

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How Is My Race Going?

As we end this summer camp season and preparing for the Fall Holy Days, this is a self-examination sermon based on this year's camp theme "Run the Race, Obtain the Prize"

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Law and Grace

The Biblical understanding of Law and Grace and learning to answer questions to prove it.

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