
The Power of God… in Me ?(Part 2)

Looking at specific ways we can see evidence of the power of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives.

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Your Name in the Book of Acts

“If the Book of Acts had a second book to include stories and lessons from the time of Paul until now, what might be written about you?"

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The Power of God…In Me? (Part 1)

Five ways God's Spirit works in my life.

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Promises are gifts given and recieved. God has made promises and is faithful to fulfill them in times past, now, and in the time to come. How faithful are we to keep the promises we make to God and others?

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The Commitment of Christ

It’s a process God puts us through each year to remind us of our commitment to putting sin out of our lives and living as Christ would. Let’s do that this year. Study the life of Christ. Ask yourself, “What would Christ do? How would...

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John’s Passover Message

At the conclusion of the Passover service, there is a section of John that is read. This section conveys the love that the Father and Son have for each other as well as a message to each of us and how we are His. What if John gave this sermon...

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Look at Sin As God Does

This sermon will analyze this statement “we should learn to look at sin as God does and strive with His help to avoid it at all costs”.

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As a precursor to the Passover footwashing, what is friendship, what does it mean to be a friend of Jesus, and what obligation do we have to human friendships?

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Joy of God’s Salvation Begins with Passover

This sermon is an in-depth analysis of Hebrews 12:1 as we discuss laying aside every weight, and sin that ensnares us, and running the race that is set before us, as we look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...

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Faith and the Spring Holy Days

Faith is the baisis of how we live our lives as Christians. Through God's Word we are encouraged to grow in faith throughout our life. As we approach the Spring Holy Days let's examine our faith and be encouraged to continue to grow and understand the dangers of...

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